Facebook Stories Will Now be Open to Pages

Facebook Stories

No one seems to be posting to Facebook Stories. Only 1 out of my 460 friends have Stories up right now. Why is that? Maybe it’s because younger or international demographics are too wrapped up in Instagram or Snapchat, but regardless, Facebook Stories is in dire need of a boost.

And it looks like Facebook (NASDAQ:$FB) might have figured out a way to do so. On Thursday, October 12, Facebook told TechCrunch that Facebook Stories is opening up to Pages. The feature is reportedly set to roll out over the coming months to all pages, which includes news publishers, athletes, brands, nonprofits, and entertainers. 

Here’s what Amy Sun, Facebook’s product manager, had to say about the matter: “We’ve been listening to our community and working to make it fast, fun and easy for people and Pages to create Stories on Facebook. Over the coming month, Pages will be able to create Stories to share with the people who follow them.”

According to Facebook, the decision to roll out Facebook Stories to Pages was inspired by the Instagram community and how users have embraced Stories from brands and public figures. It forecasts to see ‘behind-the-scenes’ looks inside companies as well as the market campaigns that end up in the Facebook feed.

How Will It Work?

Facebook users will be able to see Stories from Pages they follow or Like in the Stories section of desktop and mobile. If you are a Page admin, you will see a “Create Story” button on the mobile phone app when viewing your Page. Keep in mind this content will not show up in the News Feed unless you post it there, and it will disappear in 24 hours like Instagram and Snapchat.

The takeaway? If you are a news publisher or entertainment personality, you are likely to benefit the most from this feature, as it will let you shoot content that differs from the conventional text-based articles or videos generated by or about you.

Featured Image: depositphotos/Mactrunk

About the author: Caroline Harris is a third-year student at Capilano University in North Vancouver, Canada. Having already completed an Associates Degree in Psychology, Caroline is now finishing her Bachelor's degree in Communications. In preparation for working in the advertisement sector, Caroline is writing financial content and analysis. On a daily basis, Caroline works on articles regarding the following topics: finance, cryptocurrency, technology, and politics.