Netflix Is In Talks With Disney For Marvel and “Star Wars” Streaming Rights


On Tuesday, Disney (NYSE:$DIS) announced that it would cease its content relationship with Netflix (NASDAQ:$NFLX) by 2019, opting instead for their own streaming service.

According to the most recent word from a senior Netflix executive, however, the two companies are still in talks for streaming rights of certain content, and whether or not certain franchises will remain on the already well-established streaming platform.

Bob Iger, Chief Executive of Disney, informed analysts that the company was still uncertain of where Marvel and Star Wars movies will be distributed.

When asked for comments regarding progress in negotiations for the rights to stream Marvel and Lucasfilm (Star Wars) releases after 2019, Chief Content Officer of Netflix, Ted Sarandos told Reuters “we are still in active discussions”.

Although Disney spokesmen did not provide any additional details or responses to the matter, Iger did comment on Tuesday that they were exploring all possibilities for their Marvel and Lucasfilm movies. They will either look to Netflix, or an alternate streaming platform, or retain rights for their own online streaming service.

Despite being viewed as a competitor to Netflix in the long run, Sarandos believes that Disney’s proposed streaming platform in 2019 will be “complementary” to Netflix’s own offering. This is because Disney will focus on family-friendly content made by Illumination Entertainment and Dreamworks Animation, which created “Despicable Me” and “Shrek” respectively.

In an interview, Sarandos also noted that Disney’s decision to begin streaming its content directly to consumers was expected by Netflix, and is what they describe as “a natural evolution” for traditional media companies.

On the topic of licensing content, the Chief of Content added, “That’s why we got into the originals business five years ago, anticipating it may be not as easy a conversation with studios and networks”.

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About the author: Josh is currently studying for a Bachelors in Business Management Organizational Studies at Western University, Ontario. He was awarded the Western Continuing Admission Scholarship in 2015. He is scheduled to graduate in 2109. Josh has worked as a business analyst, co-founded Master Badminton, a sporting goods website, and has written financial analysis, stock market updates, and informational articles on investing.