Tesla Approved for German Factory Expansion

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Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) received approval for the expansion of its German factory in Gruenheide near Berlin from the local council on Thursday, despite facing protests against the U.S. electric vehicle maker’s plans.

The green light from the Gruenheide council marks the initial step in a series of approvals Tesla must obtain before commencing its expansion, which includes adding logistical spaces such as a train station. The expansion also requires approval from local environmental authorities.

As part of Tesla’s strategy to double the site’s capacity to 100-gigawatt hours of battery production and 1 million cars per year, the expansion aims to position the company as a dominant force in Europe’s electric vehicle market.

However, environmentalists and local groups have expressed concerns that expanding the plant could jeopardize the region’s water supply, given its location in a drinking water protection area.

Earlier this month, protesters clashed with police as some attempted to storm the facility. Additionally, a suspected arson attack nearby in March left the plant without power.

Demonstrators gathered in front of the hall where the Gruenheide council convened, holding posters advocating for prioritizing people over profit and calling for halting Tesla’s expansion plans.

Tesla faced opposition from Gruenheide citizens in February, leading the company to revise its expansion plans. The revised proposal involves cutting down 47 hectares of forest, half of the originally planned area.

Featured Image: Freepik

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