Tracking Your Stock Portfolio | Sorting and Building Your Investments

tracking your stock portfolio

There are a few different things you can do if you’re interested in learning about tracking your stock portfolio. Yes, you’ll want to follow along with the top finance sits, but you can also do wonders by yourself by simply organizing your own portfolio. 

Choose an online stock-tracking service 

You can do this through Yahoo Finance, Google Finance, MSNMoney, and Financial Content. All of these sites will provide you with necessary research, news and analyst recommendations. As well, they will allow you to set up a portfolio of stocks to watch. During the trading day, you can sit back and watch the stocks in your list change prices.

Build your portfolio 

Always keep a list of stocks that interest you as you learn more about market trends and news. Conduct research on the financial site of choice. The more you use these sites, you can select the criteria for stocks that are more suitable for you.

Sort your portfolio 

Your stocks will always be listed alphabetically. You should try to arrange your stocks by the percentage of volume change. This means the stocks that are most heavily traded will appear at the top of your file.

Reset your portfolio

Delete and add stocks until your portfolio consistently presents gains. This will help you pinpoint winners while examining the process you went through to discover them.

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About the author: Jennifer is a University of Western Ontario graduate with a degree in International Business. She strives to excel as a content creator in the digital sphere, working with clients in the Finance and Tech industry to leverage clickable taglines, images, and articles in driving traffic. When not writing, Jennifer enjoys photography, copywriting, and video production.