It should come as no surprise to Apple (NASDAQ:$AAPL) stockholders, that their financial performance is heavily based on a single product, the iPhone. At any given quarter, revenues from the iPhone typically comprise of 60% to 70% of the total.
Until now, Apple’s marketing Campaign has successfully convinced consumers of the notion that they need the latest and greatest. Even to the point that many consumers are willing to line up for days, just to get their hands on the newest Apple products.
However, relying on one product to bring in the majority of Apple’s finances may prove to be a risky venture.
There are two major ways in which a company could potentially flop: One, the product itself fails to impress, or two, the execution of distributing the product itself, fails to meet consumers demands.
For most production companies, the latter scenario may appear to be a problem. However, on further analysis, it is clear that the demand for the product is only as good as the organization’s ability to meet the consumers need in a timely manner.
As it stands, Apple is currently facing the issue of poor execution with the iPhone X. If indeed the issue comes to light, then the results could be devastating, for Apple and its investors.
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