GoodGamer Corp CEO Charlo Barbosa Examines New Trends for Esports


In just the last decade, Esports has gone from something very few even knew existed to an emerging industry. People worldwide have noticed the explosion of Esports, and those markets with the best technology have grabbed on first. 

What Charlo Barbosa and many other entrepreneurs in the field see is that there is an opportunity for Esports to once again explode this year and beyond, thanks to new markets catching up with everyone else. As an industry that has true worldwide potential, markets that traditionally lag behind, like India and the Philippines, are starting to be tapped into as well. Charlo Barbosa sees a new wave of explosion and overall growth taking place sooner rather than later.

The mobile future

Esports started as primarily a market based around computers. At home is where people had access to fast internet, and that made Esports a reality. Not only can people participate in Esports, but streaming them live and watching videos from content creators also have their own places in the market. A lot of viewers are not truly looking for the best of the best, but those who can play Esports and also tell a story along the way. These new content creators have only emerged worldwide in the last few years.

For Esports to involve and take that next step, it must keep up with the fast-paced times as well. More people than ever are now playing and keeping up with Esports through mobile devices. The problem is that the barrier of entry for many countries has been pretty high up until just a few years ago. Not only are smartphones expensive, but accessing fast internet is another expense that users must pay month-to-month.

Now, emerging markets are starting to get internet fast enough to keep up with Esports. This means that many people have an opportunity to access Esports for the first time in their life. Grabbing onto this next generation of gamers in emerging markets is an opportunity for the industry’s best business minds.

Charlo Barbosa’s vision

Charlo Barbosa, the CEO at GoodGamer Corp, believes that there is a lot of potential in these markets. Often overlooked for bigger and more lucrative markets, there is something to be said for going after smaller areas that need attention just as much. There is no reason for them to be overlooked, as there is still plenty of money to be made in these areas.

Companies getting in early on in these emerging markets can get a leg up on many different gamers looking for something new. It is a way to connect with the rest of the world, and soon, the competitive balance will even out. There is still a huge advantage to being in Esports in a developed country with the fastest internet speeds and affordable technology. There might always be some level of an advantage, but many are working hard to close the gap so that Esports is truly available for all.

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