Snow Lake Resources Ltd. Shareholders Secure Over 44% Of Votes – Urge Shareholders to Vote – Court Decision Expected August 5TH

Snow Lake Resources Ltd. Shareholders Secure Over 44% Of Votes - Urge Shareholders to Vote - Court Decision Expected August 5TH

As previously reported on June 19, 2022, a group of Snow Lake Resources Ltd. (NASDAQ:LITM) (the “Company”) shareholders has called a special conference of holders of the Company’s common shares to be held on August 10, 2022.

Over 44% of Shareholders have already voted in favor of the Concerned Shareholders Nominees, indicating that Shareholders desire to change. Every vote counts, regardless of size, and helps send a clear message to the current board that shareholders are overwhelmingly dissatisfied with their performance. The Concerned Shareholders encourage Shareholders to vote their Shares at the Special Meeting to replace the current board of directors (other than Dale Schultz and Nachum Labkowski) by electing the six highly qualified and knowledgeable candidates shortlisted by the Concerned Shareholders, Dale Schultz, Nachum Labkowski, Brian Imrie, Peretz Schapiro, Kathleen Skerrett, and Shlomo Kievman (the “Concerned Shareholders”).

According to PressReach, The Company’s July 20, 2022 news release aims to mislead Shareholders by saying that the Special Meeting will not occur. This is not correct. No court has yet to rule on the legality of the Special Meeting. The Concerned Shareholders consented to the Company’s accelerated timeframe to have this matter heard in court in Manitoba, which occurred last Thursday. The Concerned Shareholders urge all Shareholders to vote to exercise their fundamental right and send a message to management that they will be held accountable.

The court has informed the Concerned Shareholders that it plans to issue its verdict on Friday, August 5, 2022, just a few days before the following voting deadlines:

The Concerned Shareholders presented a proposal to the Company to postpone the meeting until September. They requested that the Company confirm that it will follow basic corporate governance and established behavior during a contested shareholder fight, which the Company turned down, adding further concerns that the Company’s management and board are unfit to manage the corporation and must be immediately replaced.

If a shareholder has not yet received their proxy form or is confused about how to vote, please contact the Concerned Shareholders through email at We will assist in explaining the process to guarantee your vote is tallied and management is held responsible.

Featured Image: DepositPhotos @jroballo

About the author: Adewumi is an expert financial writer and crypto enthusiast with more than 2 years' experience in writing crypto news and investment analysis. When not writing or reading about crypto and finance, Adewumi spends his time watching football and visiting museums and art galleries.