Rumors are Surfacing about the 2019 iPhone – Here’s What You Need to Know

2019 iPhone

The 2017 iPhone X may have just rolled out, but rumors about Apple’s 2019 iPhone are already starting to surface.

On Tuesday, Bloomberg reported that Apple (NASDAQ:$AAPL) is currently developing a new “3D sensor” for the back of the 2019 iPhone, which will be used to help improve the tech giant’s developing AR apps and services.

How would it work? Essentially, the proposed system would fire lasers out of the device and measure the time it takes for the reflection to return to it establish a depth map.

According to Bloomberg, Apple is in the midst of courting suppliers for the system. However, it is still up in the air whether or not this technology will make it into the 2019 phone.

What we do know from the report is that the TrueDepth sensors that allow the FaceID feature to work are here to stay. Further, Apple is working on manufacturing the 3D sensor for the back of the iPhone, which means the device could potentially have 3D awareness on both sides.

That’s about all Bloomberg had to say on the matter, so until more details get released, you will just have to continue to play with your iPhone X – if you could afford it, that is.

Featured Image: depositphotos/prykhodov

About the author: Caroline Harris is a third-year student at Capilano University in North Vancouver, Canada. Having already completed an Associates Degree in Psychology, Caroline is now finishing her Bachelor's degree in Communications. In preparation for working in the advertisement sector, Caroline is writing financial content and analysis. On a daily basis, Caroline works on articles regarding the following topics: finance, cryptocurrency, technology, and politics.