“Stories Everywhere”, a New Feature to be Added by Snapchat, Could Be Snap’s Road to Recovery

"Stories Everywhere"

Snap Inc. (NYSE:SNAP) has long been struggling to regain its users on its Snapchat platform since Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) started stealing Snapchat features for Instagram. From becoming more open about its earnings and plans for the future with investors to initiating a redesign of its app to make it more user-friendly, Snap has been working hard to recover in a space that it is fast being pushed out of.

Now, in its latest attempt to improve its user growth that has long-since stagnated, Snap has announced a new feature to be made available for the app in the upcoming months. This feature, called “Stories Everywhere”, will allow users to share stories outside of the Snapchat app, the hope being that it can boost Snapchat’s presence outside of the app itself.

“Stories Everywhere” will be aimed at making Snapchat a more engaging destination for news, sports, and other premium video and editorial content: it wants to showcase the potential for Snapchat to have a larger digital media landscape than it currently has. With “Stories Everywhere”, Snapchat won’t just be a place to share photos anymore. You’ll be able to share anything, anywhere. Snap is obviously hoping that any stories that end up being shared on news sites and other Internet features will help to drive traffic to the app and create enough interest in it that more and more people will want to sign up.

Expanding the sharing ability for Snapchat stories, which are videos from publishers and personalities that stay up for a 24-hour period and typically highlight special events, could very well be the first step that Snap has been grasping for in order to gain an audience beyond the young users it currently has. It could also open the doors for more ad revenue for the company, which would be helpful for Snap in its recovery as well.

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About the author: Samara graduated from Simon Fraser University with a BA in English, minoring in Publishing and Creative Writing. One day she hopes to publish her very own novel, but in the meantime, she contents herself with blogging and editing. She currently specializes in writing financial news and analysis, as well as cryptocurrency news and information.