Google Figured Out a Way to Jailbreak the iPhone and Now Everyone Knows

Jailbreak the iPhone

Ian Beer works for Google’s (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Project Zero, which looks for security issues in other technologies and reports them to the developers so they can be fixed. The companies are given 90 days to do so, and then the security issue report is released to the public.

This is what happened recently to the iPhone. Beer discovered a way to jailbreak the iphone, and after doing due diligence to Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), reported his findings publicly after the allotted time. Specifically, Beer found an exploit in iOS 11.1.2, which was subsequently fixed on December 2.

When Beer released the link to the code on Monday, hackers immediately got started on turning it into a jailbreak opportunity. Jailbreaking is a way of manipulating the Apple mobile operating system so that the iPhone can install anything, run anything, and customize anything – often, iPhones are jailbroken to act more like Android devices, in customization terms.

The exploit Beer discovered is said to also be on tvOS 11.x and Apple TV 4K, meaning that Apple TV may start to get a lot more illegal, the jailbroken versions at least. While the exploit was only tested on the iPhone 7, 6s, and iPod Touch 6G, an iPhone X jailbreak will probably pop up soon as well.

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About the author: Samara graduated from Simon Fraser University with a BA in English, minoring in Publishing and Creative Writing. One day she hopes to publish her very own novel, but in the meantime, she contents herself with blogging and editing. She currently specializes in writing financial news and analysis, as well as cryptocurrency news and information.