Adobe Releases Black Friday Numbers, Expects Cyber Monday to Set an Online Sales Record

Black Friday

While hundreds of shoppers gathered at brick-and-mortar retail stores on Black Friday, it appears the majority of the country decided to skip this tradition and shop deals from their mobile devices in the comfort of their own homes.

Adobe Insights, which measures 80% of online transactions at 100 U.S. retailers, posted the latest numbers regarding Black Friday today – and mobile transactions are “hitting record highs.”

“The big story this holiday season is in mobile shopping,” VP of Adobe’s Marketing and Customer Insights division Mickey Mericle said on Saturday.

According to Adobe’s latest numbers, Black Friday online sales hit a record of $5.03 billion, which is up 16.9% from 2016.

Some of the top sellers include Roku, Inc. (NASDAQ:$ROKU) devices and the Nintendo (OTCMKTS:$NTDOY) Switch.

“Conversion rates across all devices saw double-digit growth throughout Black Friday,” director of Adobe Digital Insights Taylor Schreiner said.

As of 10 a.m. ET on Small Business Saturday, online sales hit $320 million, which is 10% above last year. Further, according to Adobe, as of 8 p.m. ET last night, mobile shopping hit a new record, bringing in $1.4 billion in revenue.

As a result, Adobe forecasts that Cyber Monday will be the largest online shopping day in history, bringing in $6.6 billion in sales, which is up 16.5% year-over-year.

Featured Image: depositphotos/Igor_Vkv

About the author: Caroline Harris is a third-year student at Capilano University in North Vancouver, Canada. Having already completed an Associates Degree in Psychology, Caroline is now finishing her Bachelor's degree in Communications. In preparation for working in the advertisement sector, Caroline is writing financial content and analysis. On a daily basis, Caroline works on articles regarding the following topics: finance, cryptocurrency, technology, and politics.