Government Shutdown: Latest Progress in the Record-Breaking Washington Standoff

government shutdown

We have now reached the 30th day of the longest government shutdown in US history. As of this morning, Democrats and Republicans appear no closer to ending the impasse than when it began. Hundreds of thousands of US government employees have now gone without pay for nearly a month.

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President Trump is doing the usual things he does when a major crisis occurs: tweeting.

On Sunday, the US President offered to temporarily extend the protections for young immigrants brought to the country illegally, known as Dreamers. In exchange for these temporary protections, President Trump is asking for $5.7 billion to build a wall on the Southern US/Mexico border. The wall is the whole reason for this government shutdown. The Democrats declined and said the three-year protection wasn’t long enough.

The US President took hits from both sides after the compromise. Those who voted for him accused him of embracing “amnesty” while trying to build a wall on the border, which somewhat contradicts themselves.

“No, Amnesty is not a part of my offer,” Trump tweeted, noting that he’d offered temporary, three-year extensions — not permanent relief. But he added: “Amnesty will be used only on a much bigger deal, whether on immigration or something else.”

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The new proposal is being passed to the Senate floor this week, but Democrats are saying there is little chance this measure will reach the 60 votes needed. Currently, Republicans in the Senate hold a 53-47 majority. It is unlikely that any democratic senators will budge on the issue, thus continuing the government shutdown.

The ugliness on Washington continues, and it doesn’t help that the US President is basically egging it on.

At this time, there seems to be no end in sight on the government shutdown. Hopefully, government leaders will start working together soon or thousands of US government employees could face serious financial issues, if they haven’t already.

Featured Image: Depositphotos © svetas

About the author: Chelsea Roh is a freelance writer. Her current focus is blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. One could even call her a blockchain "enthusiast." In addition to content writing, she is an experienced SEO and Social Media Strategist. Before moving to Canada, she spent 10+ years marketing and working hands-on in the medical practice industry within the U.S.A.