Why Won’t Twitter Remove President Trump’s Controversial Tweets? The Social Media Giant Joins in on Debate


Do you ever read President Donald Trump’s tweets? Probably. It’s hard to resist, even though they are some of the most far-fetched and offense tweets ever published, let alone from a world leader.

Yet most of the world is on board with one another that the President of the United States should not be using such an influential platform to start word wars with other countries or to criticize either the people he promised to protect or anyone who calls out his very questionable actions.

However, instead of removing Trump from Twitter (NYSE:TWTR), like most people say should happen, the California-based online media giant has come forward and said that it does not want to interfere or get involved in issues surrounding political leaders, and it is not within their right to get in the way of officials and leaders communicating with their people through the platform.

It seems Twitter agrees with the public about Trump’s tweets, calling them “controversial,” but adding that it can’t interfere now matter how offensive they appear to be.

On January 5, 2018, Twitter published a statement in a blog post format, stating that it had had a lot of questions about Trump on its platform and that it is aware of the discussion surrounding the topic, which is why they decided to inform the masses about how they stand on the matter.

According to Twitter, if the service blocked a world leader or removed any tweet that is offensive or controversial, it would “hide important information people should be able to see and debate.”

What do you think? Personally, I agree with the company. While the words Trump publishes on Twitter can be infuriating, the public should be aware of what he is putting out in the world; we should be aware of what the man running a country thinks at 3 AM. It might appear scary that he can easily press the big red button as fast as he presses the ‘send’ button on Twitter, but it is actually beneficial for the sake of transparency.

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About the author: Caroline Harris is a third-year student at Capilano University in North Vancouver, Canada. Having already completed an Associates Degree in Psychology, Caroline is now finishing her Bachelor's degree in Communications. In preparation for working in the advertisement sector, Caroline is writing financial content and analysis. On a daily basis, Caroline works on articles regarding the following topics: finance, cryptocurrency, technology, and politics.